Meloni: Elon Musk nem jelent veszélyt a demokráciára, Soros György igen
Nyilvánosan is védelmébe vette Elon Muskot az olasz miniszterelnök.
Oh those Hungarians. Once again, they show the world that they are leaders in the area of bicycle promotion.
„Oh those Hungarians. Once again, they show the world that they are leaders in the area of bicycle promotion. Here's the latest film from the Hungarian Cyclists' Federation's Bike to Work campaign - or »Bringázz a munkába« if you want to get all Magyar-esque.
The cycling NGO has an ongoing relationship with global advertising firm Young & Rubicam. Something the rest of the geeky bicycle advocacy world can learn from. Mainstream marketing is the key. Taking this product called »urban cycling« and selling it to the 99%. Selling the simplicty of urban cycling instead of overcomplicating it.
The good people at the Hungarian Cyclists Federation know that sub-cultural marketing is not an effective way to sell a mainstream product. Unlike many other NGOs around the world who are seemingly intent on merely trying recruit new members to their clique, the Hungarians see the big picture and go after it year after year after year.”